Common problems that uses Heap data structure:

Apply Heap data structure to

  1. top K elements.

    1. Heap is good to find the top K elements with smaller than O(n log n) time.

    2. O( n log K) is the Time complexity.

  2. Because it's good for maintaining knowledge on past biggest or smallest numbers. And find a ranked one within that

Conceptual Review

Priority Queue is implemented with a heap data structure.

Common operations:

insert(x, S)


extract_max(S), return and remove max from S

increase_key(S, x, k)


Array structure. But can be visualize as a nearly complete binary tree

  • root: index 1, first element
  • parent(i): i/2
  • left(i): 2i
  • right(i): 2i + 1

Heap type and its invariant

Max heap: key of the node is larger than keys of its children

Min heap

Note, this is a strong assumption to make and a lot of operations are based on it

Heap Operations:

  1. build_max_heap: O(n) for backward building: meaning array already exists.
  2. max_heapify: O( log n) because the height is log n

Heap Sort Algorithm:

  1. build max heap
  2. find max elem, A[1]
  3. exchange A[1] with A[n]
  4. decrement heap size to n-1
  5. max_heapify(A, 1) to preserve the max heap property
  6. repeat from step 2

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